
Friday, 20 May 2016

Art work

Today we continued with our contrasting artworks.   Our subject was the ocean.  We blended warm and cold colours to show contrast.  These images belong to me and Promise.  My one is on the left.  Check my blog again soon to see my next masterpiece!

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

shelford Immersion Assembly

Today we had an Immersion Assembly the first item was team 1 the item was about their Favorite thing there thing were chocolate, Pandora bracelets,dogs/Joey,cats,football and hokey pokeys and many more the song was from Mary Poppins,Julie Andrews.

The next item was team 2 they were learning about seasons with bright colors like green purple,blue,yellow for the season of summer.The next season was Spring the colors  Rose Quartz,Peach Echo,Lilac,Dash blue.The Autumn colors red, yellow, purple, black, orange and brown.The last season was winter colors Blue,charcoal grey, blue, bright blue, violet, emerald green, black, black-brown, dark hazel.

The next item was Team 3 they were learning about  Architecture and grand designs it was kind of funny in the beginning they were talking about material and structure of the tent the bathroom was the living room/Bedroom/kitchen/laundry.Mr blakely was bettering to be Kevin Cloud and riding his bike around the school.

The next  item was Team 4 they were learning about comics and superhero the characters were Mrs Moala and Mrs East that were the Amature heroes Mr Sommerville was Team leader America ,Miss Lavakula was Wondering Woman, Mr Goodwin was Bat guy and Bear Baxendine was a bear.

The last item was team 5 we were learning about waka the waka were racing for the title Mrs Garden won the race for Hokulea the second waka was Hinemoana  I was angry because I wanted my waka to win Te Aurere and Hikianalia came last.