
Thursday, 29 May 2014


Have you played badminton before? We did it with our math class On Tuesday with Robby. We warmed up with a game of stuck in the mud .

Robby showed us how to do a backhand serve.  This is when the back of your hand is facing your partner while you are holding your racket. You can make it go high by serving it and then  people can’t  get it.

A forehand is when the front of your hand is facing your partner. When I  hit the shuttle with my forehand I couldn't hit it as well as using my backhand. And after we vs people And played are game that you had into they legs .


Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Something Stranded

This is what I think the Mahia peninsula looks like. In the book it says that it looks like a lazy brown and grey crocodile.

Monday, 19 May 2014

archimedes theory

This is the results form today when i put the clay in the water it was the same but when i put in hardly it displaced a lot of water

Friday, 16 May 2014


Today we have been learning about predictions. Here is one. Please Leave A Comment.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

shelford book

This book is about creepy and amazing places around the World. I have read about Lego towers, fast roller coasters and dangerous places to go. 

The bit that I liked was when it told me about ghosts. Some people said if go to the place were there died you would see two ghost holding hands . And some people said that if you go to Abraham Lincoln house in the knight you would see and ghost around the house

Monday, 12 May 2014

Sink or float?

Sink or Float ?
s-sink     i- in between      f-float
diet coke
in between  
Why do some things float while others sink?

If the thing is heavier then it will sink, but if it is lighter then it will float.

is that it!!!!!!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

shelford going go karting

        When we went go karting we had dive to west auckland when we got there we had to make a username after we had to go into a room that they had a go kart on the ground it had a room next door it had helmet but first we had to put on thing that went on our head it felt soft then  we put the helmet on we jump in the karts they were fast as it crash a lot and they diff around a corner then we went to home and watched TV the end