
Friday, 28 June 2013

football in school

this is football I was so happy to go to football again. Ben was my coach, he had to put us into teams. I was in the yellow band team. We played a game of octopus it was fun. i like football’’ i said . But i saw hot my team is hot i saw happy. Me and Simon were on the other team i had to get the ball off Simon so i could get a try it was like playing octopus but we had balls instead of running.   

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Mask Parade

This is my activity about the story The Mask Parade.

This story is about a mask parade in the town hall. Mr Glue's class were going to make masks for the mask parade. It had to be top secret. They made lions, tropical fish and fruit salad. They used Chicken wire, newspaper, glue, paint, glitter and stars. They walked in the parade. They waited to see who would win for the best mask. The lions came first, the tropical fish came second and the fruit salad got a prize for the funniest mask.

Antartica sea

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

BJ and Toby

Toby and BJ had to go and move a big red van that was parked over a driveway. A mixer truck needed to get into the driveway. Toby and Bj put a chain on the vans tow bar. They pulled the van out of the driveway. The mixer truck driver yelled “Thanks for moving the van!”

Monday, 24 June 2013

My Squid

In Antarctic ocean
A big creature called the colossal squid is lurking under the ice killing their predators and other creature like fish and penguins. Scientist have found more information all about this wonderful creature. Colossal squids have no backbones, they have suckers on their tentacles with hooks on some of them.Scientist have found the beak and hooks of the colossal squid inside a whale’s stomach.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Foot ball at pt england

Yay!’’ someone shouted as we line up to go to football ‘  give it a go”.  We walked to the hall when we  got
there we ran  around in the hall for our warm up. Then we played Octopus with Ben the coach he got us to get into groups  of 4. In our groups we practised our passing and juggling.

Juggling is like Playing hacky Sack with our feet.  I was in the yellow band. This was my team Sohel, Liz, Jalen ,Taunese Promise. We played mini game of football against the blue team. We won the first  game,  tied the next game and the next game  we tie. It was fun in the end  .  

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Shelford Butterfly day

Shelford mihi

Friday, 14 June 2013

Anartctica Narrative

Once upon a time there lived a Leopard seal named Nick . He loved the ice cold water. and chasing  fish and Penguins. But he was so big  he crashed into the iceberg everyday. His favourite food was roast Petrel. Mr penguin was a Doctor . He helped Nick so much so he  would not eat Penguins.  

One day his Uncle Jack die after his birthday and aunty Jill look after him. Uncle Jack saw an Killer whale and Jill  was a Blue whale. He had a cold and the next day he died.  Nick had to live in fear if it might he die so he got strong and forgot all about it. He likes  Jack  so there were like brothers and they always   play games .

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Monday, 10 June 2013

Pencils And Pens

1. What did students use to write 100 years ago?
2. What is slate?
3. How did they rub things out if they made a mistake?

click here of more old pens this pen is an fountain pen

Friday, 7 June 2013

kapa haka

1. tamariki: kid
2. morena: hello
3. karakia: pray
4. waiata:  song
5. ano: again
6. e tu: stand
7. pounamu: geenston

8. piupiu: dess