
Thursday, 5 December 2013

Question Key

1. What is a farm animal that lay egg ?
2. What farm animals have feathers ?
3. What goes cluck cluck cluck cluck ?
4. What animals have chicks?
5. If someone runs away in a fright, they are what?

shelford 2013 Reflection

At the beginning of the year I was in the Buzzy Bees reading group. In term 4 Miss Lavakula moved me into the next group up which is Jandals. I am reading at 8 years old. Next year my goal is to be reading above this level.

For writing we no longer use pencil and paper we are doing our writing on our netbooks. For writing this term we wrote about lots of different things. I goal is to Writing over my level now.

We learn about new activity like math whizz and xramath’s and studyladder it help me learn i am in the sphere for math’s .

we learned about fairy tale’s and life a stage and psi.

we did animation about omare creek and antarctica and fairy tale and farming.

i was in maor it was cool we learned haka and song in maori we did faifai and welcome the president to our school and william and goole .

sport like football and rugby and soccer and basketball.

shelford this is not what a farm animals doesn't


Friday, 29 November 2013

At ambury farm shelford

One beautiful day our class went to Ambury farm.We saw a pea coock when we got there. We went in a barn with Debbie we did a matching  game and after we went to a place it stink for sheep poop and lanolin we felt the sheep oil. After that went to a the milking shed a sucker went on it’s udder. A cow has 4 teat’s we saw the milk come out in a big tin. Then we went round and pat it and find what cow it was freaky  we saw some more cow .

After we all walk to a paddock. We had to look for yellow signs and went to the beach. We saw some lava rocks. Then we walked to another paddock we got to feed the cow ,sheep, goat and chicken it felt funny.Debbie woke up the pig and piglet and  it fun i hope we can go again .

Thursday, 28 November 2013

shelford The man who escaped from a black hole

Once a upon a time there was a genius man name John how went to space in a rocket with
his friend's to a space ship it had big gun's on it .In side of it there were space ship and old
legend's me and my fried's went to a big place in was called the most fastest ship. One of the
legend was called the man who escape form a black hole in space. I went back to my ship i
had to get home to earth when i got close to home a black hole came and sucked my ship. i
remember i had nos i used it all up i got out of it like the legend it was a miracle. My
friend's were all right. We went home and we were famous for it i was glad to get home the

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

shelford creatures

this what i did for reading

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

shelford moari payer

He honore, he kororia ki te Atua he maungarongo  
ki te whenua he whakaro pai ki nga tangata katoa.
Hanga e te Atua he ngakau hou ki roto ki tena, ki
ki tena o matou. Wharatongia to waitua tapu hei awhina
hei tohutohu i a matou hei ako hori i nga mahi mo tenei ra.

Honour and glory to god Peace on earth, good
will to all people. lord denelop a new heart inside
all of us. Instill in us your sacre spirit Help us,guide

us In all things we need to learn today Amen.

Friday, 15 November 2013

shelford Athletics 2013

In the morning i was late. And i only did three activity in discus it was hard to throw the discus  5 min later we went on javelin we had to throw the javelin to make it point in the ground and  after . Was shot put it was heave i could not hold it and it start raining we had go inside the bell rang.

shelford manaikalania

On Wednesday morning I  had to pay so I could go on the bus to Sylvia Park. In the bus while we were going to Sylvia park so we see the extreme screen the other people sat on the chairs.

Me and Harlem sat on the couches. The couch had leg rests and a light next to the sides. We all wanted to see the movie first. It was Point England’s movies.We had heaps of movies my favorite movie was the team beach was so fun. I look forward to the next time we go. we all went in the bus and went to school. click here for the manaiakalania movie.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

shelford Why I should have my netbook

Why I should have my netbook is because it would be dumb if i didn’t have my netbook . And my Dad’s pay a lot of money for it .  It wouldn’t be fair for my dad’s. My netbook is for learning but when I take it home with me it would be cool.

Monday, 21 October 2013

shelford Persuasive Arguments

No we should not have school Monday to Thursday and Friday be part of the weekend   because my dad can’t look after me.

In my opinion…we should go to school for five days because some children parents can’t look after them if we go for four days because some people have jobs that are long

I think this/that because…  We need to learn so we can go to college and high school. To get our diploma so we can get better jobs.

Friday, 18 October 2013

shelford title card

in the holiday's

In the holiday me my brother and sister crash into a big van on my birthday . Keyana hit her head on the seat after we looked at some car shop's. Then we went home to get my present it was are Remote control car i went to Sylvia park to get it.When we went home i played with my car it was fun . After a while it was to long me and Brandon slept in the laugh .

shelford Immersion assembly

Our topic this term is related to social sciences and our team will be looking at Farming. Room 13 will be looking at the celebration of Harvest and Thanksgiving. We will finish our term on Thursday 19th December. Our class have decided to start this term strong and finish this term strong. We hope you have a wonderful term too! Here is a silly video clip of what teachers do to get children interested in the topic.

Immersion Assembly Term 4 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

Friday, 20 September 2013

fairy tale research

Rapunzel was a princess but a evil which took Rapunzel . The king and queen were sad that she was took from there palace. A man called flynn rider saw  steal the tiara of the lost princess. During the ensuing chase, Maximus, horse of the Captain of the Guards, is separated from his rider but continues on his own. Flynn betrays his accomplices, outwits his pursuers, takes the tiara, and stumbles upon Rapunzel's tower. He climbs up into the tower, but Rapunzel knocks him unconscious with a frying pan and puts him in a wardrobe. When Gothel returns, Rapunzel tries to show her the captive Flynn to prove she is capable of handling the outside world, but Gothel cuts her off by saying she is never leaving the tower, so Flynn remains hidden. Rapunzel instead asks Gothel for a special paint, the ingredients for which require three days of round-trip travel. Gothel leaves and Rapunzel rushes to get Flynn from the wardrobe. She ties him up in her hair then tells him that she will give him the tiara back if he takes her to see the lights. After much arguing Flynn agrees. While on the route, he takes her to the Snuggly Duckling Inn, which is full of Gaul thugs, in hopes of scaring her into giving up her quest. The thugs, however, are charmed by Rapunzel, who encourages them to follow their dreams.  The people nock flynn ride out Rapunzel went to find him and he saw on a boat to the palace the kings men saw flynn ride  and took him to the sell to hang him but the door close  and a man sind what is the password  let me in nope not ever closes i give 5 minutes one two three four five time up and all his men were dead flynn ride went to the tower and he said  Rapunzel  Rapunzel let do your hair he climb up her hair.And the evil which. A stab flynn ride and  Rapunzel  start to cry  and she said i will not stop trying to get a away from you she said make your power sin and being back was mine .


youth town

shelford at youthtown from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.                           
In the morning i ran to school and went to class people were going in the bus when we got there we to the pool and the people that didn’t have togs and towel there going in the art room and it was room 13 tune  we play pool and table tennis and make   art work and then we didn’t want to go to school.  

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Shelford Skype from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.What’s your buddies name? Cameron What were your first thoughts? how saw your week How were you feeling at first? nervous What was it like seeing your buddy in person on the computer? nice What things did you talk about? what is your best game on xbox What’s something new you learned about your buddy? he the cool hair

shelford glow worms

Friday, 6 September 2013


Once upon a time a boy called Aladdin was living with his widow mum in a small village in China. A man approached him from a distance. He claimed to be his uncle and made him believe that he was his fathers brother. Aladdin was confused “you're my Uncle?” he said. “Take me to see your mum” the man said. Aladdin took the man to his mum. The man bought them lots of food and clothes.

The man then took  Aladdin on a trip. When they got to where the needed to be, the man told Aladdin you need to go down in a hole and get me a lamp .   Aladdin made the man angry so the man hit him over the head “ow that hurt” said Aladdin rubbing his neck. Aladdin said “I  am not going to go down there”  so the man put a knife to Aladdins neck. “Ok,  i will do it” he said.

Aladdin was scared of the bat’s in the hole. The man told him that he only wanted the lamp.  Aladdin saw lots of treasure in the hole and started putting gold diamond rubies in this pockets. Aladdin went back to the start the man wanted the lamp. “I am not coming back up’ said Aladdin.  The man tried being nice to Aladdin  but Aladdin would not come up. The man got angry and  he pulled the rock over the hole shutting Aladdin in the cave.

st presentation

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

the bave little tilor

.the brave little tailor was sewing clothes he saw hungry  so he put some jam on a piece of toast some fly landed  on it so the little tailor bang with his hand on 7 fly so he made himself and beale so and had a nap he look like yellow hire  and green clothes .

faily tale


Friday, 23 August 2013

mine caft

‘Minecraft is a game that you can play on netbook’s  and ipad’s. Minecraft is an app. You need java to play this game. Also  there is a creeper enderman, ender dragon’s, iron golem’s pig’s cow’s chicken’s dog’s weather boss’s bat’s and more thing,s. Steve is the person you control in the game. The whole place is  block’s. You have weapons like pick axes, swords and  sticks. This game is the most popular  thing in the world because of the gold, diamond, iron redstone. You can make cave’s in the ground.The object of the game is you have to make  thing’s, like houses, beds, caves,  enchanting table, crafting table, spawn egg. to make a house ako tree wood blocks of gold, diamond, iron redstone. how to a rubbish bin lava wood and a sing .

Friday, 16 August 2013

shelford puss in boots

boots puss the stmart cat than he kown that the king like rabitte stew so he came to the king and give the present to him ever day . he siad it was from the marquis carabas  Puss tricked the giant so he could eat him

Monday, 5 August 2013

maui and the sun

One day, it got dark and maui couldn’t see what he’s was doing
The sun was going to fast and maui said
Maui and his brothers didn’t have couldn’t fish or hunt
So Maui and his brothers decided we’re going to make the sun go slowly.
They made flax ropes
Maui and his brothers had to hind
When the sun rose, they maui and this brother jumped
Maui’s brothers pulled the sun up
Maui began to beat
The sun begged Maui to cry
Maui and his brothers let go of
Now Maui and his people could see

Friday, 2 August 2013

immersion assembly

On the first day back at school we had a Immersion assembly. Some of the teachers had funny costumes on. The teacher in term 3 were princesses the song was raining men.  term 4 was the next act was the three little pigs and after it was term 5 they learnt about songs we watched the jabbcockzeek on the projector  Mr Jacobsen was james  

Term 3 Immersion Assembly from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

three billy goat s graff

1. Why did the goats want to go over the bridge? so he could eat the grass
2. What happened when the goats tried to cross the bridge? the troll said i will eat
3. Why did the troll let the first two billy goats go pass? they said my brother is coming

4. What did the troll want with the billy goats? to eat

this stoy is about a little and middle sized a big billy goats gruff all of the goats wanted to eat the grass across the bridge. but when they try to get to the grass a troll when in its way the big billy goats gruff chatch the troll a the troll whent in the water.

Thursday, 11 July 2013


Antarctic map

Antarctic Treaty

People have been fighting over who will get Antarctica. so  12 countries make bases all around Antarctica. some of them are on mountains i know 6 of them their names are  United Kingdom Belgium Chille United States of America Australia NZ . here is 12 flag in front of one of   a base that they built.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Kelly Tarlton

It was a good day to go on a trip to Kelly Tarltons. All the year 5 and 6 traveled on busses. We had to wait on the bus until we got to Kelly Tarltons. We went into the school room. In the school they had cool thing that they would have in the  Antarctic. They had to bring the food to Antarctica on a big plane so the people could live in Antarctica. It is  colder than ice if you live in Antarctica you probably would die if you didn’t have warm clothes to wear.
We went outside, the sky the sun was shining brightly in my eyes. Rooms 13 and 16 had to walk to the adventurous playground by Okahu Bay for morning tea. People ran to the flying fox. I ate my morning tea before I went on the playground. “Line up it’s time to go back” said Miss Lavakula,  we all lined up and headed back to Kelly Tarltons.

We walked down the ramp toward the Penguins. I saw King penguins and Gentoo penguins, they looked cute and cuddly. A lady and a man were feeding them fish. One fish at a time. The penguins were enjoying our company. We carried on walking and went through a replica of Scott Hut. I thought it was cool. In a room I saw penguin bones. Miss Takerei and I went through the tunnel and we saw lots of sharks, fish and stingrays. When we came out of the tunnel we went to look in the tanks. I saw a moray eel, starfish, a giant sized crayfish and many other exciting things.
 Everyone was doing work on their netbooks I was allowed to go and explore the kids area. I played with Brandon for a little while then it was time to get back on the bus for the trip back to school.  I was feeling a little bit sad because I wanted to stay longer. I hope to go again with my family one day soon.  

MVI 0235 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

Skate champs old is  Luka?
2. how won ?      Dylan or Luka
3. how is older   Dylan or Luka

*  grinding ollie kickflip heelflip benihana grab


Friday, 28 June 2013

football in school

this is football I was so happy to go to football again. Ben was my coach, he had to put us into teams. I was in the yellow band team. We played a game of octopus it was fun. i like football’’ i said . But i saw hot my team is hot i saw happy. Me and Simon were on the other team i had to get the ball off Simon so i could get a try it was like playing octopus but we had balls instead of running.   

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Mask Parade

This is my activity about the story The Mask Parade.

This story is about a mask parade in the town hall. Mr Glue's class were going to make masks for the mask parade. It had to be top secret. They made lions, tropical fish and fruit salad. They used Chicken wire, newspaper, glue, paint, glitter and stars. They walked in the parade. They waited to see who would win for the best mask. The lions came first, the tropical fish came second and the fruit salad got a prize for the funniest mask.

Antartica sea

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

BJ and Toby

Toby and BJ had to go and move a big red van that was parked over a driveway. A mixer truck needed to get into the driveway. Toby and Bj put a chain on the vans tow bar. They pulled the van out of the driveway. The mixer truck driver yelled “Thanks for moving the van!”

Monday, 24 June 2013

My Squid

In Antarctic ocean
A big creature called the colossal squid is lurking under the ice killing their predators and other creature like fish and penguins. Scientist have found more information all about this wonderful creature. Colossal squids have no backbones, they have suckers on their tentacles with hooks on some of them.Scientist have found the beak and hooks of the colossal squid inside a whale’s stomach.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Foot ball at pt england

Yay!’’ someone shouted as we line up to go to football ‘  give it a go”.  We walked to the hall when we  got
there we ran  around in the hall for our warm up. Then we played Octopus with Ben the coach he got us to get into groups  of 4. In our groups we practised our passing and juggling.

Juggling is like Playing hacky Sack with our feet.  I was in the yellow band. This was my team Sohel, Liz, Jalen ,Taunese Promise. We played mini game of football against the blue team. We won the first  game,  tied the next game and the next game  we tie. It was fun in the end  .  

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Shelford Butterfly day